Sunday, May 13, 2012

Spinal tapped out

Wow. So I knew the spinal tap would be one of the least favorite things ever, & what got me was the intense headaches for days after. You had to stay reclined to keep the headaches (while your spinal fluid came back up) at bay-yet for a person like me with bad back pain, staying still (even with loads of pillows under, behind, beside, etc) it was a rough week. Today finally am feeling back to my normal. Parents left today for a few days, & I can't say it's been an easy start to this Mother's day. I find out all results from the tap, bloodwork, etc in a week, but no news until then. A great surprise was winning a 'superlative' award from taking part in WEGO's health blogging month! That made my week. I won for best use of visuals, which thrilled me as my photo blogging has become my recovery process. :)






  1. Congratulations on your award.
    I am not looking forward to the spinal tap. I signed up to be a bone marrow donor, and I hope one day I get to give hope to someone, and maybe add years to their life. That, of course, means I will have to suffer through a spinal tap.

  2. Thank you! I swear you get more awesome every single time you write-what an amazing gift to give someone. The tap itself wasn't as bad as I thought, but fibro (for me at least) seems to take anything & just amplify it all up. Even just normal things like allergies are now just way worse. When I obeyed & only got up to go to the restroom the headaches were ok. Chai bunny hated it though-not enough run amok time ;) xxx
