Went to get my teeth cleaned today. Huge phobia of dentists, & hadn't had my teeth cleaned in a long while. Those of you professional spoonie sick people get how seeing 3-5 doctors regularly doesn't leave much time for dentists, & disability doesn't cover dentists. Lovely. Anyway, after getting 2 out of my 4 needed fillings & learning that laughing gas really helps keep my back ok during the process, I agreed to get the cleaning as they promised having laughing gas to get me through it was fine. They were fitting me in, so dad & I waited for about 30 minutes, in chairs that hurt so much, which feels ridiculous saying, much less typing & publishing for the world to see. I kept thinking, 'well, you'll be under the gas soon' to keep me from leaving. So they call me back & we soon hear that oh no! The one room in the joint that doesn't have gas in it is her room. She suggests we just do full mouth X-rays. Against my better judgement I agree. Dad had to run an errand & left. She not only does X-rays but for some unknown reason does every single tiny bit of every tooth with that evil 2-sided hook torture tool, while I'm bleeding everywhere & she is scolding me for not coming in sooner as my insurance, bought from them runs out in a few weeks. She calls dad back & tells him how bad my gums are & that I need serious gum therapy. This is now an hour and a half later. She brings my dentist in as he has to check me before I leave. He comes in & all four of us are in the room, & tears start just pouring down my face...though I'm completely silent. She didn't mean to but blamed the medications, stress, etc for why my gums are so bad. & heredity of course. We finally leave, & I weep openly for about an hour after. I now have a back that is screaming in pain, & it feels like muscles are being fed through a meat grinder while still attached to my bones, ligaments, & spine. Chai bunny got in bed with me & tore apart the goodie bag with the free floss, toothbrush & paste, as if she sensed hat new foreign bag was the source of my crying. So Monday I have part 2 of a promised gas filled cleaning, & Tuesday my 2 other fillings get filled. Then the next week neurologist to give spinal hots to try & undo the damage done today.
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