Welcome to day one of the National Health Blog Post Month! NHBPM from WEGO Health will have bloggers posting 30 for 30-a blog a day for November, using prompts to guide them. Today the choices are: why I write about my health, or what I like about social media/the Internet/online health communities. I actually am going to combine these today-as my yesterday/Halloween is a perfect fit.
My pain tends to be worse at night, so my day usually is late afternoon through early morning. I sleep when most people are working & am up all night. I started blogging-usually after midnight...after seeing how a soldier with PTSD was told that blogging & talking about his life could help. The show was the PBS show Sherlock, the soldier Dr. Watson. It seemed to help him & so I started doing a picture a day/blog. I use photography as a coping mechanism, & so doing a picture a day blog seemed like a good fit. Example? Tuesday night. Mom & dad had gone to see my 2 nephews & babysat while my brother & his wife were out. It really depressed me that I was stuck at home, not going to a great costume party, or seeing my adorable nephews, & not out buying candy & decorating my front door for kids. It was a normal night inside, as usual. Mom brought home 2 cute sugar cookies, & determined to not be sad I started taking pictures & created a happy Halloween picture card to send to my family. After finishing that, I started painting using the ArtRage app on my iPad. Being able to pull up all sorts of various paints/drawing pencils/art supply apps (without the mess or expense) has become a lifesaver to so many disabled people, whether they are physically or emotional handicapped. After sketching out the flower I started painting it using watercolors-this specific app has a feature where you can bring up a photograph to refer to & actually pull colors from it to paint with. It is as close to painting as you can get, & there's no way a certain fuzzy bunny can jump up in bed & mess up wet paint.
Around 2 AM I needed a break so I turned to AMC's Fearfest Halloween marathon & as you can see the screams of the actors had her ears raised most of the night. I watch a lot of tv & Netflix streaming movies, & it so helps me refocus my mind off of the pain. During a commercial I went & took a picture of the gorgeous full moon. The yard was bright with reflected light, & I just stood in the chilly air for a bit in the silenced glow. After hours of terror, I fell asleep around 7 AM. Dad woke me up letting me know my brother & family were coming by, & after walking the 20 steps or so to the back porch, dad & I watched the first of the hilarious Zombieland as mom got the house baby friendly. My sister-in-law & my 1 & 1/2 year old nephew were dressed as Lucy & Charlie Brown, & my brother was Obi Kenobi & my nephew was a perfect blonde Luke Skywalker. It was if they worked out how to get 2 of my favorite things from childhood together meeting! I was so sore after so came back as they left & watched more Fearfest, read some more of my kindle ghost story, took another moon shot & inverted it, & as a treat lit a ton of candles.
I got depressed again & so I reached out to my online community. I cannot stress how much having someone who can relate exactly to what you feel physically & emotionally helps. I know at any time of the day/night I can find a friend, online, who I can talk to-it is such a great feeling. Having that accessible network is crucial to coping & survival. Without being able to gt out my emotions & talk I would be an absolute basket case. I'm so lucky to have hat-I can't imagine being housebound without the technology of today. I consider myself so lucky that I am sick in a time where I am never alone-there is always someone I can reach out to-as awful as life can be I am blessed with that knowledge.
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