Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mean girls

Recently I had a strange virtual encounter. And not of the fun blog automatically links/is networked to my Facebook, & though I usually post it with an intro, it goes up regardless. A girl who I rarely talk to-one of those friends we all have-you went to high school or university with them, but you aren't sure exactly who they are but you have 37 mutual friends...I think we all have those & some have become my favorite people on earth, some not. Anyway, I don't know if she knew the blog attached was mine as it doesn't have my name & could be something I just put up on my page, but she made a pretty rude comment asking where I got such s#+t. I didn't know what she meant but it came across, & I heard privately from people who were really upset that are spilling out my heart in the particular blog she wrote that on my Facebook page, for my nieces, cousins, etc to see, that she felt my attitude/me not 'don't worry be happy' feelings weren't how she subscribed to life. As my mom taught me, I considered the source, though I still can't place her ;) & this morning unfriended her. She won't care & it doesn't matter, but I realized how lucky I am to have friends who understand firsthand or support me even though they can't totally get these illnesses. It really hurt though, & it bothered me all week. I'm letting it go, after a week of wounded pride & waiting to see if she would say anything, then a few hours ago seeing a status I felt was ridiculous pushed the unfriend button. Weight lifted.



  1. A friend of mine said almost the same thing about my blog. He didn't know they were my words, feelings, experiences. Because I enjoy writing, and actually earn money doing it(very little. cheap frozen dinner, anyone?), I have developed a thick skin. Sometimes I am hurt by criticism, absolutely, but I also give people room to express themselves as I have. If that means they hate what I write, great. There is more to me than the posts on my blog. I still love that friend. He is more than someone who hates the way I express myself through written word, and I am more than the words I write. I hope.

  2. You go, girl. Letting her bother you more gives it power. Just let it go and keep moving on. And for goodness sake, keep writing from your heart!

  3. Nellie, I'm thrilled your friendship was stronger than his misunderstanding. This girl I never really knew & on Facebook we never talked or anything...then one morning out of nowhere she wrote that, & it shocked me above anything else. Since I really never knew her thank god it was easy to just unfriend-that must have been much harder for you! @Vicki, you're right, let it go! ;) xxxooo

  4. & Nellie I'm so happy you get paid! I need to find something like that-even if it pays little to nothing...;)
