Thursday, October 6, 2011

Into dust & Legos

Been a terribly rough day. I feel like I'm a prop up picture of my old self, & don't know if I'll ever get back to half of who I was. This is how I see myself-in the brightly colored legos of my past

My toy moon

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



  1. Hi I've been following your blog for a while now, I found you through Bunnies :) I've got two little sweet hearts that live in my sitting room. Just wondering how long you been sick? Have you tried acupuncture and the like?
    I have osteoarthritis and pretty severe neck and back pain because of it, I'm in the process of stopping work because of it, took 6 years for a diagnosis and now that I have one I'm trying exercise in a big way cause that’s probably what will help me, but while I didn't know what was wrong I tried everything! The best for pain turned out to be acupuncture (by someone who really knows what they're at, I tried 2 people the first was rubbish) I had manageable pain levels for about 6 months. Just a suggestion. Otherwise I def recommend Kim Harrison books as a way to escape!

    Try not to give up!

  2. i love the lego app- looks very cool!
